Student Solution


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1 University

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Video Analysis 3

Video Analysis 3

Q Video Analyses for Field Hours Please, note that we are not allowed to observe children in homes and/or program sites due to the coronavirus pandemic. Therefore, we are watching, analyzing, and writing commentaries on a series of video clips to make up for our fieldwork hours. Below are the links to 6 videos that we will use to fulfill our fieldwork hours requirements. You will watch the video, analyze its content, and write a separate commentary for each one. (Do not write one big paper for all the video clips. That is NOT going to work.) As you watch each video clip (refer to each link at the end of this document), write a description of the video, use the names of the children in the clips and make sure to take notes in order to do the following: 1. Watch each video and describe any challenges facing the child/ren (use the children’s names) and how you see them overcoming specific physical, social, emotional, and intellectual challenges during their developmental stages. 2. Describe the child/ren’s functioning abilities with respect to specific domains of child development. Be as specific and detailed as possible and feel free to use quotes by the child/ren in your analysis of the video clips. 3. Make sure to read two (2) articles from credible sources (do not use any internet sources ending with “.com”) and utilize relevant information from our course materials. Please, cite your references in APA style in the reference section of your paper. Please, make sure that each paper is 4-5 pages in length (double-spaced and 12-pitch font) in order to receive a full credit or an equivalent of five (5) hours of fieldwork. 4. Conclude each paper by reflecting on why this assignment is important for understanding and supporting a range of abilities with children who are faced with similar challenges as depicted in each video clip. 5. To record your hours, print out, and use a copy of the timesheet found in the Assignments section of our course Blackboard to record your hours for each video analysis and commentary paper that you completed and turned in. You may work at your own pace, but you must turn in your work on time for grading. Link for Third Video Analysis: 1.

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